Author: Kate

  • What are ECOSYSTEMS?

    In this Environment 101 segment, I explain what ecosystems are, how they differ from biomes, and how humans affect them. It’s an introduction to the topic to give everyone the basic knowledge. For full shownotes, see the podcast.

  • What is Climate Change: An Introduction

    In the first episode of the new segment Environment 101, I discuss the very basics of what climate change is and is not. The next time someone tells you climate change can’t be real because it’s cold outside, you’ll be equipped to tell them what’s what. For the full show notes, please check out the…

  • The Sustainability of STREAMING

    In this episode, I talk about the impact of our online lives. I share details about the environmental impact of data storage, streaming, and how you can enjoy a more sustainable online presence. For full show notes, see the podcast:

  • How to AVOID Plastic Pollution

    In this series finale, I share what we as individuals can do to help mitigate the plastic pollution problem. I talk about ways you can reduce your plastic consumption and help stop the flood. For full show notes, view the podcast episode which also includes the sources and graphics.

  • The Problem with MICROPLASTICS

    In this second of three videos, I focus on microplastics and the role they play in the entire plastic polution problem mess. I share some facts and figures about microplastics and how they affect wildlife and ecosystems. For full show notes, view the podcast episode which also includes the sources and graphics.

  • The HISTORY of the Plastic Problem

    In this first of three videos, I talk about how we ended up in the mess of plastic pollution, share some facts and figures, and explain what the actual problem with plastic is. For full show notes, view the podcast episode, which also includes the sources and graphics.

  • Stop Using Plastic Bottles

    We all know plastic bottles are bad for the planet but as they are still everywhere, more conversation seems necessary, so let’s talk about how unsustainable single-use plastic bottles are. I also share some tips on how to stop using plastic bottles without spending any money.

  • Cigarettes are bad for the planet

    We all know cigarettes are bad for our own health, but a lot of people, smokers and non-smokers alike, are unaware just how bad cigarettes are for ecosystems. Cigarettes harm the environment, add to plastic pollution, endanger animals, plants, fungi, and even bacteria. In this video, I share an overview and some tips on how…

  • The PROBLEM with Zero Waste

    I used to aim for a zero-waste lifestyle and told everyone about this great thing I was doing. I think I might have been doing more harm than good. Zero-waste has similar problems as veganism and both of them make it hard for people to want to try. In this video, I share why I…