Category: Marine Protected Areas

  • The Ocean Deserves a Break

    The Ocean Deserves a Break

    The ocean provides food for billions of people. But even those who don’t touch seafood and never set foot on a beach are connected to the ocean. The ocean is so integral to our climate that declining ocean health will fuck with every single person on this planet in some way. Most of the ocean…

  • The Public and Marine-Protected Areas

    The Public and Marine-Protected Areas

    Marine protected areas affect the lives of countless people. I could even argue, as MPA affect the global climate, they influence everyone. Marine protection, just like the creation of national parks and reserves on land, is often a trade-off between the income of those benefiting from exploitation and the benefits of protection. One of the…

  • Benefits and criticisms of Marine-Protected Areas

    Benefits and criticisms of Marine-Protected Areas

    If I told you there was a simple way to increase human well-being, alleviate poverty, lower inequality, facilitate adaption against climate change, increase catch for fishers, and grow larger fish that reproduce a lot, you’d probably call me a dreamer. And, I definitely am a dreamer, but I am also a scientist. And the thing…

  • The State of Marine Protection

    The State of Marine Protection

    Scientists and activists have been yelling to protect the ocean. There is even a rise in demand for action from the general public. Politicians keep signing pledges. Clearly, ocean protection is a big deal. But what’s the state of things? Where are we and where do we need to go? What are MPA? Marine protected…

  • How we messed up ocean protection

    How we messed up ocean protection

    Unless you live near the coast, you probably think about the ocean more as a destination for a nice beach vacation as anything that directly affects you. To put it bluntly: even if you don’t eat fish, hate swimming, and the idea of the beach disgusts you: the ocean affects you, too. Every single person…